วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Exam day (No. 2)

Yes , Yes , Yes

it was an easy day for me

For science is very completely easy
11 question ~
it was already our basic knowledge 
so i'm quit sure i'm not failing on this

Chemistry !!  an open book test
we was aloud to bring our book in the test room 
but it was hard thou when we couldn't find the answer even that all the answer is in the book
but at least no one is going to fail
Thankyou ajan Lenie you sure are an generous teacher

and last it was English
had to write two essay
anything i liked it could be a narrative or persuasive
and that past well too

it was an easy simple day comparing for wednesday

but who know maybe it wouldn't be that hard like i expected 
all i have to do is to really focus on my study today

wish you all luck for tomorrow !! 


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

What a day!!~

Sorry , i didn't up my blog yesterday !!~
i went central chonburi with my friends to watch a movie 
it been a awsome day~
chilling with friends and eating togetther
i don't know if we are able to do this again after finishing from school
trying to enjoy myself

but don't worry , 
now i'm back on track
Today my only focus is studying for tomorrow test

for my essay , i will look back on my old essay when i was in America
that would work ( i hope so)

and tonight i will lecture my chemistry book also study for sci test

 good luck to you all for tomorrow


วันศุกร์ที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Done with ma first day ^^

Today was the first day of  my final exam
there are still 2 days left

The first day already eat up the 3 easy subjects
so it going to be a hard time during the second and the third day

i definitely have to study hard this weekend
also i still have my VTR to be done befor monday

mainly of my free time i play dota 
but i'll try to resist my self this weekend

hopefully i can finnish my VTR 


Good night everyone

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Almost there !!~

Well, it been ages since i post my blog
i wasn't going to post it anymore 
but unfortunately this is my computer project

insead having computer test for final exam
we have to update our blog every single day T^T

poor me ~

So, let do this !!


Today was the last day of school
cos from tomorrow we'll have final exam at school
so there will be no normal lesson anymore

The day past very slow today
it was very boring 
there were no teaching at all
we was suppose to studying for tomorrow exam
but i'm too lazy for that 
i planned to read at home

i had been playing with my laptop almost the whole day
and the rest was playing around kicking ball against the wall , making noise and the best part was annoying others

well, as you can see it is very a boring day
but i enjoyed the annoying part
so it wasn't that boring today


For all my beloved friends 
i wish you luck for tomorrow exam
do your best and never give up on your spirit for guessing the answers


just joking

Sweet dreams everyone

วันอังคารที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Mosquito Control

Nothing takes the fun out of an evening barbecue outdoors like a bunch of bloodthirsty mosquitoes. In addition to inflicting a painful bite, mosquitoes can transmit diseases. You can keep your local mosquito population under control by limiting their habitat on your property, and avoid their annoying bites by using the right barriers and repellents.
Limit Breeding Habitat
Mosquitoes require water to breed. Adult mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant or slow moving water, or on moist soil or leaf litter in areas likely to collect water. By eliminating these water sources, you can keep new generations of mosquitoes from taking up residence in your yard.
  1. Drill holes in the bottom, not the sides, of any garbage or recycling containers stored outdoors. Holes on the sides still allow enough water to accumulate in the bottom for mosquitoes to breed.
  2. Keep gutters clean and unclogged. Be sure your downspouts drain properly, without leaving puddles in the drainage area. You may need to reroute your downspouts or add extensions to carry water away.
  3. Keep swimming pools cleaned and chlorinated, even when not in use. Homeowners who go on vacation without chlorinating their pools may return to a veritable mosquito hatchery.
  4. Walk your property after a rain, and look for areas in the landscape that are not draining well. If you find puddles that remain for four or more days, regrade the area.
  5. Ornamental ponds should be aerated to keep water moving and discourage mosquitoes from laying eggs. Alternately, stock the pond with mosquito-eating fish.
  6. Dump anything that holds water twice per week if it has rained. Birdbaths, non-chlorinated wading pools, footbaths, garbage can lids, and pottery will all attract breeding mosquitoes. Remember to empty the saucers under your flower pots, and don't leave water in pet bowls for more than two days.
  7. Keep your property clean of items that can hold water, including discarded aluminum cans and tires.
Limit Adult Habitat
Adult mosquitoes rest during the day, usually on tall weeds or other vegetation. Make your yard less hospitable to mosquitoes by mowing your lawn regularly, and keep weeds away from your home's foundation.
Avoid Exposure to Mosquitoes
Even when following all the precautions above to eliminate mosquito habitat, some mosquitoes will still be around to spoil your fun. You can limit exposure to the mosquitoes that remain by using effective repellents and barriers.
  1. Window and door screens should be 16-18 mesh and fit snugly, without gaps around the edges. Check your screens for holes and repair or replace them as needed.
  2. Replace your outdoor lights with yellow "bug" lights. These lights do not repel insects, but mosquitoes and other pests are less likely to find them attractive and invade your yard.
  3. When outdoors, apply a DEET-based insect repellent according to the directions on the label. DEET will need to be reapplied in 4-6 hours.
  4. Treat clothing, sunshades, and screen houses with a permithrin-based product, such as Permanone. Permethrin repels both mosquitoes and ticks, and will last through several washes on your clothing.
  5. Some insecticides available commercially may be used by the homeowner for mosquito control. Check the labels for EPA-approved products registered as effective against adult and larval mosquitoes. A light spray application around building foundations, shrubs, and grasses will keep adults from resting in these areas.
  6. Use of some other repellent products, such as citronella candles and mosquito coils, may also be effective if used in windless conditions. Some concerns about mosquito coils, which are impregnated with chemicals, and possible respiratory impacts have been raised recently, however.
What Doesn't Work for Controlling Mosquitoes
Despite what your friends tell you, some popular mosquito control methods have no significant impact on keeping mosquitoes in check. According to Wayne J. Crans, Associate Research Professor in Entomology at Rutgers University, these often-touted mosquito solutions are not worth your time or money.
  1. Bug zappers. Though the satisfying sizzle you hear from this modern day insect torture device will convince you it's working, don't expect much relief from backyard mosquitoes. According to Crans, biting insects (including mosquitoes) generally make up less than 1% of the bugs zapped in these popular devices. Many beneficial insects, on the other hand, do get electrocuted.
  2. Citrosa plants. While citronella oil does have proven mosquito-repellent properties, the genetically-modified plants sold for this purpose do not. In tests by researchers, the test subjects bitten as often while surrounded by the Citrosa plants as without them. In fact, mosquitoes were observed landing on the leaves of Citrosa plants during the study.
  3. Bats and/or purple martins. While both bats and the colonial purple martins will consume mosquitoes, the offending insects make up a small percentage of their natural diet. Assertions about these insectivores being effective mosquito controls grew out of misrepresented and misinterpreted data from unrelated studies. While providing habitat for bats and purple martins has its value, don't do it if only to reduce your mosquito populations.
  4. Electronic devices that transmit sounds to mimic male mosquitoes or dragonflies do not work. Crans goes so far as to suggest "the claims made by distributors border on fraud." Enough said.

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Negative Effects of Sitting Too Long

When you sit too long it can have negative effects on your health. With today's trends towards more technology and less physical activity many of us are noticing negative changes in our bodies. We may get winded climbing the stairs. Perhaps our legs fall asleep when we watch television. Maybe your back aches when you have been on the road all day.

According to projections by the World Health Organization, they estimate that there will be 2.3 billion overweight people and 700 million obese adults worldwide by 2015. Sitting at your desk all day long and then coming home to work behind your home computer or watching your favorite shows can contribute to this negative figure.

It is estimated that an increasing number of jobs in countries with modern industries require employees to sit for prolonged periods of time. This can have a negative affect on your metabolism. After only half an hour behind your desk and your body starts to slow down. You don't metabolize fat properly and your cholesterol can go through the roof. The enzyme lipase breaks down fat so it can be stored in the muscles as fuel reserves. When we are behind our desks too long the negative effect can be that our circulations slows down and the lipase can not break down the fat. The fat keeps swimming in your blood stream until it is stored as fat or heads to your heart to clog your arteries. Recent studies have found this can be as bad for your health as smoking.

It is not all bad news. There are steps we can take to avoid the negative effects of prolonged sitting. If your work requires you to sit all day long, get up and take a short break once or twice an hour. Do a few wall push ups or some similar exercise to get the muscles moving and the blood flowing.

Check with your doctor or a personal trainer to see what sort of exercise program is right for you. Taking a long walk after work can go along way to divert the negative effects of sitting all day long. Strength training twice a week will keep our muscles fit and help us to stay trim.
Sitting all day and then coming home to sit all night can have major negative effects on our health and well being. By taking steps to reverse this process we can lose weight, lower our cholesterol, and just feel  better.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Computers and Your Eyes

The Short and Long Term Effects of Computers on Your Vision
Often people find themselves waiting in the office of an optician after experiencing trouble seeing, pain in the eyes or constant tension headaches. If you or someone you know suffers from chronic tension headaches, the culprit may be your eyes, not your head. How does this happen? Many times it results from spending too much time at a computer or too much time trying to read something in an area that is not well lit.
Most often people find they have trouble seeing the fine letters on their computer screen, which affects their work… which leads to an appointment with the eye doctor. If you spend hours on hours in front of a computer, at some time or another you will probably wonder the effect your work has on your vision. For many people routine use of computers results in various symptoms including:
  • Eye Strain
  • Headaches
  • Blurry Vision
  • Fatigue
  • Dry Eye
  • Tension In Head, Neck and Shoulders
  • Excessive Tearing
  • Sharp Pain in Eyes
  • Double Vision
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea

While some of these symptoms may seem odd, they are all very common among computer users AND among people that try to work or read in areas that are not well lit. If for example you work in an office without windows, you may find you succumb to frequent headaches resulting from eyestrain and stress.
All of these symptoms can lead to frustration, increased irritation and an inability to complete work as efficiently as one might without proper eye care. Some studies have linked routine and extended computer use with an increased risk for glaucoma and related eye diseases.
Fortunately you do not have to let computer eyestrain prevent you from spending hours online if that is what you want to do. Let's find out what you can do to protect your eyes from strain so you can work well and recreate well while online…
Computer Eyestrain in ChildrenIt may be hard to believe but children are just as likely to develop eyestrain from frequent computer or television use as adults are. As more and more educational facilities incorporate computers in the classroom, and more children use computers to do their homework, the prevalence of visual disturbances in children is rising.
Computer-related eye strain is so common in children in fact it has its own name: Vision Syndrome or CVSC (computer vision syndrome in children). If your child spends more than one hour each day on the computer, the chances are high they may suffer from CVSC. What can you do to help?
Often children need to spend less time at a computer or in front of a television to reduce the odds they will suffer from computer eyestrain. To help improve the odds your child will avoid spending long hours in front of a computer, put a family computer in a central and highly visible location, and be sure to monitor your child's time at the computer. You can even set a timer so your child knows exactly when their time at the computer is up.
Because studies show more than 20 percent of children need corrective eyewear as early as the first grade, it is critical you take care to prevent computer eyestrain from affecting your child's vision. Remember some changes may become permanent if not addressed early on. Now that you know a bit more about children's eye strain an computers, let's learn more about the many ways you can prevent eyestrain and related visual disturbances whether a child or an adult.
Reducing Eye Symptoms at Work and PlayFortunately there are many steps you can take to improve your eye health while using a computer. Wearing prescription lenses specifically designed for computer users easily relieves many symptoms including eyestrain.
There are many other tools that can help relive eye strain and headaches that do not involve the use of prescription lenses. These include:
  • Anti-glare screens that can reduce eye strain.
  • Taking frequent breaks to help rest the eyes.
  • Participating in eye exercises to help strengthen your eyes and reduce blurry vision.
  • Taking a multi vitamin and mineral supplement to ensure your eyes get the nutrients they need.
  • Increasing the font size of your computer screen to reduce eye strain.
  • Using a larger monitor so you can see the print on your computer screen better. This is very helpful especially if you must read long documents or spend hours entering data or editing on a computer.

Many people working at computers have to consistently focus their vision near rather than far. These may contribute to problems including suppressed vision, increased tendency toward nearsightedness or reduced efficiency when reading online. It is important that computer users recognize that many factors can impact their eye health while using a computer, including lighting conditions and the length of time they work or play at a computer.