Well, it been ages since i post my blog
i wasn't going to post it anymore
but unfortunately this is my computer project
insead having computer test for final exam
we have to update our blog every single day T^T
poor me ~
So, let do this !!
Today was the last day of school
cos from tomorrow we'll have final exam at school
so there will be no normal lesson anymore
The day past very slow today
it was very boring
there were no teaching at all
we was suppose to studying for tomorrow exam
but i'm too lazy for that
i planned to read at home
i had been playing with my laptop almost the whole day
and the rest was playing around kicking ball against the wall , making noise and the best part was annoying others
well, as you can see it is very a boring day
but i enjoyed the annoying part
so it wasn't that boring today
For all my beloved friends
i wish you luck for tomorrow exam
do your best and never give up on your spirit for guessing the answers
just joking
Sweet dreams everyone